Established in April 2022, DSO is dedicated to promoting original works created by the Asian community and developing intellectual property (IP). To focus on the building and expansion of MADAME, DSO aims to integrate a range of professional techniques and resources, including animation making, content production, brand management and marketing, and immersive experience creation. By now, ever since its early stage of development, DSO has successfully not only accumulated collaborations with experts in the field to bring together IP visual and audio creation and production, sales channels and distribution, but has also won several high-credit national public subsidies.
成立於2022年4月,為致力於華人原創內容與IP開發的天水時代有限公司(TST)之子公司,聚焦於TST旗下MADAME品牌之育成與擴展。集結動畫創作、內容製造、品牌營銷、沈浸體驗等專業技術與資源,從前期原創開發階段,就讓IP之影音內容創造與製作、通路發行、品牌經營等都能匯聚一元,以多年業界累積know-how強強聯手。DSO期許能發掘台灣富饒美麗的風土故事與豐沛多元的人才技術,傳遞並推廣至世界每個角落,如同宇宙裡的深空天體(Deep Sky Object)一樣,展現超越想像的自由輪廓和嶄新視點。