Each Other Films aspires to collaborate with emerging filmmakers to create high-quality, light-hearted Mandarin content for the global market. Its first feature, Little Big Women, won the Best Leading Actress at the 2020 Golden Horse Awards and became the No.1 domestic film of the year at box office. Its first comedy series, The Accidental Influencer, launched globally in spring 2024 on HBO GO in Asia and MAX in the US and Europe. Its latest feature, Penguin Girl, premiered at the 2024 Kaohsiung Film Festival as the festival’s opening film and is scheduled for theatrical release on March 14, 2025.
彼此影業致力開發優質華語影視作品。《孤味》獲金馬獎最佳女主角並為當年台片票房冠軍。影集《何百芮的地獄毒白》於 HBO GO 首播。最新電影《命中註定那頭鵝》為高雄電影節開幕片,預計白色情人節上映。