Rosebud Production starts with scriptwriting as its foundation, producing high-quality and exquisite dramas and films. The company prioritizes storytelling, bringing stories to life for the audience and the market. The company’s name is derived from the movie Citizen Kane (1941), where ‘Rosebud’ represents that one thing you want to hold dear in your heart, no matter where life takes you or your ultimate goal.
無論是戲劇或電影,一切起始都來自於劇本。「絡思本娛樂製作」從劇本創作為出發點,製作優良精緻戲劇及電影作品。一次說好一個故事,呈現給觀眾及市場。公司名「絡思本」,源自於電影「大國民」(Citizen Kane, 1941)中的“Rosebud(玫瑰花蕾)”一物,無論最終目標走到哪裡,都希冀能保持初衷,保留心中那個最重要的,最純粹的起始。