TaiwanPlus is the premier global provider of English-language news and infotainment from Taiwan — offering trustworthy news coverage, informative perspectives on cross-strait relations, and inspiring lifestyle content focusing on food, travel, and entertainment. Proud to be based in one of Asia’s most vibrant democracies, our diverse team of journalists and producers is committed to delivering independent news and stories that inform, enlighten, and inspire audiences worldwide. Get a global perspective backed by a Taiwanese point of view on our website, mobile app, 24/7 live-streaming YouTube channel, and various social media channels.

TaiwanPlus 是台灣首個全 英語影音媒體,每日提供獨立、客觀的新 聞報導,並透過原創節目以及公廣集團精 選節目,展現台灣獨特的美食、旅遊、音樂和文化內容。我們透過社群媒體、APP 和 24小時電視頻道,分享與世界共鳴的台灣故事。


Deputy CEO

Bimal Kapoor

Deputy CEO-Bimal Kapoor


PR Specialist

Ching TSE

PR Specialist-Ching TSE
