The Classic Vision Co., Ltd. specializes in producing and distributing documentaries. Our production proposals have been selected multiple times at Asia Pitch, Asia’s largest pitching event hosted by NHK Japan, and at Conference ASD, Chinese Documentary Conference CCDF, Korea International Conference DOC PORT INCHEON, and others. Our projects have received numerous awards and investments from the world-renowned media outlet Al Jazeera. Additionally, our works have gained recognition at various international film festivals, from Rotterdam to Hot Docs.
舊視界文化藝術有限公司,專門從事紀實電影的製作與發行。本公司推出的紀錄片製作計畫,多次入圍由日本NHK主辦的Asia Pitch、亞洲最大提案大會ASD、華人唯一紀錄片提案大會CCDF、韓國國際提案大會DOC PORTINCHEON等,並屢獲大獎;其所推出的紀實電影亦在國際影展中大放異彩,為世界第三大媒體半島電視台唯一與台灣合作的團隊。舊,「經久如實」。創造經典,改變視界。