GHA is a Taiwan-based literary agency, representing over 200 international publishers and agents in the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets, also a curated list of Asian writers to the international audience. Their authors have been translated into over thirty languages, hit numerous bestseller lists, and nominated for major book awards.
GHA also handles screen and stage rights. Besides working directly with producers, directors, and production companies, they also collaborate with Hollywood-based agencies to manage their client’s work with global reach. Many of their authors’ works have been adapted for the screen and the stage, or are currently in development.
光磊國際版權經紀有限公司代理超過 300 家歐美出版社和經紀公司,亦提供全方位的作家經紀服務,涵蓋出版、翻譯、影視、戲劇授權。已將多位亞洲作家的作品授權至 32 個國家和地區,包括吳明益、陳浩基、張國立、趙南柱等。