Established in 2011, TS TIMES (TST) is dedicated to its expertise in promoting creative intellectual property (IP) businesses in the Asian community and the expansion of its unique cultural values. Previous collaborative works with renowned Taiwanese brands, such as BONJOUR, HOME HOTEL, and 7teahouse have broken numerous records in the industry. TST has further extended to the global stage with international luxury brands, such as CHAUMET by LVMH and Tatler Asia.
TST 致力與專精於華人獨特 IP 創作品牌與全價值的拓展,邀集大中華區才華豐沛的 IP 作者、編劇、插畫人、與藝術家們,共同打造最具原創力的作品,並將獨一無二的品牌魅力,擴散至影音遊戲和娛樂業、時尚與消費商品、科技與教育等,講不一樣的故事,感受不一樣的體驗,編織不一樣的回憶。近年更將觸角延伸國際,例如 LVMH 集團等,共同合作開創嶄新典範。