Some celebrities from the showbiz circle, including Honduras, WEN Chen-ling, SHIH Ming-shuai and KAO Ying-hsuan, have got together to face the local problems in a Hakka village and make language learning part of their daily lives. They’re the assistants of the village chief, regulars and substitutes of a grocery store and picking up elder people with their van. Besides, in Shitan, they need to repair an ancient trail, establish a learning center, design community curriculums, help with the fire safety propaganda, run a pop-up bistro… and so on.
由藝人洪都拉斯、温貞菱、施名帥及高英軒組成一支「最Kiang駐村小隊」,透過long stay客家村直面當地問題,也讓客語學習成為日常生活的一部分。隊員們不但成為村長的左右手,雜貨店的常客兼代班,更時常開著駐村車穿梭大街小巷接送長輩,也因應駐村地點「獅潭」的需求,完成各種任務,已經忙到人仰馬翻的他們,居然還要排演一齣「舞台劇」作為駐村成果發表,而且是跟村民一起上台表演!