Hundreds of young motorcyclists occupy the city centre. The gang leader, Zang-Dou, shouts, “Is the state entitled to control our bodies?” War correspondent Tsun-Nan and photojournalist Wen-Shin witness this moment. The trio go wild on their bikes, challenging the status quo. The police try to frame them by planting petrol bombs. Zang-Dou takes the lead in an uprising against the police raids. For the first time on the road, people organise themselves against a common enemy. That night also changes everyone’s fate when Wen-Shin is found beaten to death. Tsun-Nan realises that he created a monster.Twenty-five years later, Tsun-Nan confronts Zang-Dou one last time.
戰地記者春男從戰場歸來,卻投身另一個戰場:上百台電單車佔據市中心徹夜不歇,群眾對自由的呼喊,為1995年營造出末世狂歡氣氛。車隊領袖宗道振臂高呼:「國家有權掌控我們的身體嗎?」春男與攝影記者文心見證了飆車就是個人最低限度的革命。 三人以競速、特技挑戰僵化的體制。警方意圖以汽油彈栽贓,宗道帶領少年們對抗,大道上的群眾首次有了組織和共同的敵人,所有人都沉浸在創造時代的興奮中。但那夜文心意外被打死,改變了所有人的命運。春男發現自己在毀滅之際同時創造了一個怪物。 25年後,他要為了珍愛的一切,最後一次踏上狂飆之路。