Stellar Bites is a culinary reality competition that combines Taiwan Cuisine with the essence of international fine dining. The show features 20 contestants, divided into two groups of ten. One group consists of 10 talented chefs selected through a rigorous nationwide audition. These chefs are highly proficient in their craft and have already made a name for themselves in Taiwan’s culinary scene—some have even earned recognition from the Michelin Bib Gourmand. The other group comprises 10 celebrities, who take on the role of chef assistants. Their mission is to fully support the competing chefs in creating exquisite dishes, overcoming challenges, and advancing through the competition to claim the ultimate victory. In the end, the winning chef and chef assistant will each be awarded a grand prize of one million.
《前進米其林》是一檔融合「台灣元素」 與「國際Fine Dining料理精髓」的料理實境節目。共有20位參賽者,其中十位為海選選出的台灣民間廚師,他們各個廚藝精湛,在餐飲業有一定知名度,有些甚至已獲得米其林必比登的肯定。而另外十位則是藝人或網紅,在節目中擔任廚師助理,全力支援廚師參賽者做出一道道美味佳餚。競賽最終獲勝的廚師與廚師助理,將各獲得100萬的獎金。