The first documentary on Taiwan’s fine dining. Why do we love to eat? There are foodies, chefs, and young people who aspire to the dining industry. The successful development of Taiwan’s food and beverage industry in the past decade has everything to do with these people. In addition to street foods, Taiwanese culture has another more refined aspect. Reflecting from the international perspective, we hope to sort out a context and establish a discourse on Taiwan’s fine dining. What is food criticism? What are the influences of international dining guides on Taiwan? How does a chef become a chef?Our stories are presented in interviews with the following three perspectives: foodies who pursue fine dining, chefs who have made a name, and young chefs who are still fighting for their future.
我們為什麼愛上飲食?愛吃的人,有吃貨、主廚、嚮往餐飲行業的年輕人,而台灣餐飲業過去八年蓬勃發展,和這群人脫不了關係。 台灣美食除了小吃,也有更精緻的面向,放眼海外回看自身,本節目想梳理出一個脈絡,試著從中建立論述,故從追求美食的吃貨、站穩腳步的主廚、正在奮鬥的年輕廚師三種人說起,以訪談形式延伸探討「Fine dining」是什麼?美食評論是什麼?國際餐飲評鑑對台灣的影響?廚師的養成與對台灣餐飲未來的展望?