On the Sunday after Mother’s Day in 1988, SHEN Yuan was alone at home and received a family letter from the other side that had been blocked for 40 years. The letter revealed that her mother had passed away long ago and that she had eagerly anticipated Yuanmei’s return every day. SHEN Yuan closed the curtains, pulled out a camphor wood box, and retrieved pieces of cheongsams she recalled occasionally. Singing, dancing, and chatting with her mother in spirit, she experienced moments of sadness and laughter.
1988年母親節後的周日,沈媛獨自在家,拾起了那封斷了40年音訊的對岸家書,說母親早已過世了,說母親天天盼望著媛妹回家。 她拉上了窗簾,拖出了樟木箱,翻出了時光記憶的件件旗袍,又唱又跳地和母親隔空話家常,一會兒悲傷一會兒歡笑。 但母親的容顏卻始終模糊,依稀浮現的是母親美麗的身影及遙遠的聲音。