Pony, along with her college friends Leslie (gay) and Xuan (lesbian), explores the romantic relationships each of them desires. Through interactions with different partners, they gradually understand their own bottom lines and genuine emotional needs. They often gather at Mama’s AS Bistro bar to share their relationship frustrations and seek advice from Mama. Despite their different sexual orientations, they sincerely share their longings and frustrations in love, striving to overcome their personal flaws to find relationships that make them feel comfortable. No label, no tag, just love is the key spirit in this show.
Pony與男同志小志、女同志阿軒是大學好友,三人透過與不同對象的來往,逐漸瞭解自己的底線及情感上的真正需求。大家常聚在Mama的AS Bistro酒吧大吐愛戀苦水,接收Mama給予的情愛建議。儘管三人性向不同,卻能真誠地分享對愛的渴望與煩惱,並試圖克服自己個性的缺陷,找到讓自己感到舒服的感情關係。