Peter LAN, a handsome man and a seasoned gambler, finds upon his return from abroad that his family has been destroyed by the treachery of the unscrupulous Alfred WONG who cheated Peter’s father out of his fortune and drove him into suicide. With both his mother and father dead, Peter suspects and decides to collect evidence of Alfred’s crime. While trying to track down the villain, Peter meets Barry SUNG, a businessman and playboy working for Rex HU. Barry, the would-be gambler, and Peter quickly become friends during a gambling session. The beautiful Lily who loves Peter devotedly and deeply provides the hero with the crucial lead when she takes him to visit Rex, Barry’s boss. When Rex orders Barry to kill his new friend, his cover is blown, Rex HU is actually Alfred WONG, the man who destroyed Peter’s family. During the dramatic and violent showdown. Barry takes sides with Peter and helps to bring Rex to justice.