Following the incredible reputation and success of the first season, Yes! Night Market is back! Returning with the great charisma of the first season’s head chef, George HU, and four dazzling stars from the worlds of film, television, and music. This season, we’ll explore five must-visit night markets popular among local and international tourists across northern, central, and southern Taiwan. Let’s dive into the unforgettable long-stay food adventure! To spice up the show, this season, we have the new secret guests segment to vote for the two most “delicious” and “popular” Taiwanese dishes. We’ll also have super mysterious special guests join in and artists worth looking forward to in Malaysia showbiz. Stay tuned for this authentic, fun, and star-studded night market life!
由帶有獨特胡式魅力的第一季料理長胡宇威和四位影、視、歌各領風騷的明星,走訪台灣北、中、南、海內外觀光客必去的五大夜市,跨界聯手夜市擺攤,展開美食long stay之旅。本季加碼秘密客環節,票選最具「美味性」和「超人氣」的兩道台灣味料理,並邀請超神祕大咖嘉賓及馬來西亞知名藝人助陣。